
BAck in Thailand

Well, we are back in Bangkok and have had our first feed of pad thai.  It was much too small, I could have eaten about 3 portions. 

Are you feeling overstimulated? Or perhaps you have a child who has ADD and you are looking for a nice quiet place to go.  Well, Bangkok at Christmas is NOT the place to come.  Christmas season has arrived in Bangkok and let me tell you:  They. Do. It. UP.

They must have warehouses and warehouses full of Christmas decorations and lights, because the entire city is decorated.  There are float sized displays of reindeer pulling shoes, presents, Nutcracker soldiers, large red chairs, snowflakes, Christmas bulbs.  There are fountains that are lit up with Christmas lights. There is a 100 foot long arch, completely lit up with purple fairy lights, which extends up to another fountain which is also lit up.  There are large TV sets everywhere in the city, playing music, advertising everything and just generally getting on your nerves. I have heard more piped in Christmas music just walking along the street than I have heard my entire life in the malls of Canada during the Christmas season. 

And then of course, there are the people.  Asian people are perpetually taking pictures.  And Bangkok has provided a multiplicity of opportunities for people to snap and snap and SNAP!  It's just kind of overwhelming. 

This isn't even a Christian nation.  It's roots are Buddhist...non-attachment, non-acquisitiveness...things that really aren't exemplified by the lights and decorations in the big city.

However, it's SOMETHING to behold.  Kind of fun in a totally manic and head exploding way.

So we have been eating and trying to get a good night's sleep (which is hard because the mattresses in Bangkok all seem to be made by the same company, which only believes in the extra-firm ie. yoga mat, style) and will start sightseeing the wats (temples) and markets and some of the things that we missed the last time we were here.

It's still warm, and we're still having fun.

1 comment:

Fawn said...

Haha! We'll keep that in mind when we go sailing around the world. Note to self: avoid Thailand at Christmas. :)

I don't know if I ever mentioned that one of my German uncles lives in Thailand. He married a Thai woman a few years ago and has a young step-daughter who would love to practice her English. :)

They live in Nongorue-Pattaya Banglamung, Chonb uri (not sure which part of that is the city -- Pattaya, I think?)

So if you're hoping to head that way and want to hook up with some friendly faces, let me know.