
Spitting on Singapore

Spitting is illegal in Singapore--as is chewing gum, littering, etc. Singaporeans have a thing for cleanliness, which is kind of refreshing after spending quality time cleaning the beach in India. However, it is possible they might go overboard. After all, Malaysia and Singapore are known for their tough stance against drugs. (Signs at boarder crossings and on all tourist literature proclaim in bold letters: TRAFFIC IN ILLEGAL DRUGS CARRIES THE DEATH PENALTY. I kid you not.) We've heard that you can be fined for bringing chewing gum across the boarder and Anne and I generally prefer not to test just how harshly the local laws are applied.
However, one day Anne was feeling a bit nauseous and she asked me if I thought she'd get in trouble if she vomited on the street. Of course I calmed her and told her they would probably not enforce the death penalty, but a few smacks with the infamous Singaporean cane might be in order.


R.K. McLay said...

Gracious. Linda Blair would be proud, if not envious. Your technique is flawless. Your "projection", "distance" and "arc" are reminiscent of the very best Roman fountains.

Kudos. You have elevated projectile vomiting to the level of art, and I applaud you for your fine, fine work. Though I dare say this particular example doesn't do justice to your colourful, if vegetarian, diet. May I humbly suggest more greens and reds, if only for a flash of passion.

Go forth, Anne Bragg - vomit like the wind! Show South East Asia what your insides are made of!

Moe said...

Hi Anne and Nathan!
It's Moe! I don't know if you remember me, I'm Lynne's daughter. We met when they were living in that wonderful little cabin in Dawson and played a game about pirates and talked about Casein. Good times!
Me and my boyfriend are headed off to southeast asia come september, and if you had any advice or wanted a visit that would be awesome!
My email is: thecurlewsrevenge@hotmail.com
I would love to hear from you!