
More Cool Pics and an Update

Well, we're back in SEA proper; Bangkok, that is.
FYI: It's Year 2552 here, which either has something to do with the Buddhist calendar or we've traveled forward into the future. I'll try to figure it out in the next month or so. Maybe. 
In any case, we're still having fun--burnin' the town down, so to speak. The downside is that we are totally ruined for western food. For the remainder of our lives, we may have to make periodic visits to Thailand for fresh mangoes and sticky rice with coconut milk.
And what these lovely folks do with vegetables is amazing. Today I ate mushrooms which tasted like beef. In fact, I thought it was beef and I was just lied to; so I investigated more thoroughly and, yes, success, it was definitely a beef-tasting veggie, but maybe not a mushroom; the Thai find it easy to be very unclear about mushrooms, among other things.
So, here's to, soy products... God, I must love them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it weren't for the Buddha, I'd say the theme for these pictures would be "burning" -- those fish appear to make the water positively boil! Of course, some would argue that the swastika part of the Buddha picture would fit the theme, too...

A beef-tasting veggie that might not be a mushroom - LOL. It's a good thing neither of you have hang-ups (anymore, at least) about eating unidentifiable objects.